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pint's usage with numpy's concatenate

I have this toy example where I am using pint and numpy -

import numpy as np

from pint import UnitRegistry

ureg = UnitRegistry()

Q_ = ureg.Quantity

args = []

for k in range(0,17):
   uwnd = Q_(np.ones((1,73,144)),'meter / second')
uwndTot = np.vstack(args)
for element in args:

The shape of uwndTot is


As shown above the type of the element in args is

<class 'pint.quantity.build_quantity_class.<locals>.Quantity'>

But instead if I print out the type of uwndTot in the following way I get

 for element in uwndTot:

I get

 <class 'numpy.ndarray'>

So I am unable to extract the units of uwnd from this procedure. Is that correct behavior ? Why does the type change when I issue the call



 np.concatenate(args,axis = 0)

I want to be able to use vstack or concatenate. Is there another way ?

UPDATE I have a bunch of netCDF files which when I read in are of shape (73,144). I need to concatenate 'n' of them which will give me a numpy array of shape (17,73,144). Those netCDF files have units of meters / second or other units. Those units are required in my calculation.


  • Here's what we use in MetPy to do this, making sure that all source arrays have compatible dimensionality:

    def concatenate(arrs, axis=0):
        dest = 'dimensionless'
        for a in arrs:
            if hasattr(a, 'units'):
                dest = a.units
        data = []
        for a in arrs:
            if hasattr(a, 'to'):
                a =
        return units.Quantity(np.concatenate(data, axis=axis), dest)