I'm trying to resize a bunch of images on a Windows machine, with imagemagick installed and also have git for windows.
The images need to be resized to 50% of their current size.
Inside a root directory theres directories that could contain images and others directories with images. I need to resize all the images. In my particular case I have a total of 250 folders (nested in different levels) with a total of 4110 images.
Example root folder
Folder A
SubFolder A
Folder B
Subfolder B
I'm trying this way, but if fails to get the correct paths.
for /r /d %%a in (*)
find . -name "*.png" -print0 | xargs -0 mogrify -resize 50%
Error message
find . -name "\Default\*.png" -print0 | xargs -0 mogrify -resize 50
Access denied - .
File not found - -NAME
File not found - -PRINT0
What about this command line in a batch file to resize all PNG images in current directory and all subdirectories except hidden directories and files to 50% in width and height and overwrite input file using IrfanView?
@for /R %%I in (*.png) do @"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" "%%I" /resize=(50p,50p) /convert="%%I"
The same command line for execution directly from within a command prompt window without usage of a batch file:
for /R %I in (*.png) do @"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" "%I" /resize=(50p,50p) /convert="%I"
Open a command prompt window, run for /?
and read the output help.
For the options of IrfanView (freeware for private usage) read the text file i_options.txt
in program files folder of installed IrfanView.
I don't have ImageMagick installed and you have not posted the ImageMagick command line to resize a PNG image which is the reason why I posted a command line solution using IrfanView.
One more note: There is no need for a batch file for this task. Open IrfanView, click in menu File on menu item Batch Conversion/Rename and use this dialog to select with a few clicks all *.png image files in your directory tree, set the options for resize and PNG optimization and execute batch conversion.