Basically, I am creating a ScriptableObject Skill
and I want to restrict it to only certain character types. However, I can't quite figure out how to go about doing it. I want to avoid having a single enum for all the classes unless it is unavoidable. I will try and show you what I mean below.
public class Skills : ScriptableObject {
public string Description;
public Sprite Thumbnail;
public int LevelNeeded;
public int XPNeeded;
ClassRestrictions classRestrictions;
public enum ClassRestrictions
{ None, Warrior, Rogue, Mage };
If in the editor I select Warrior
I would want another enum to appear and ask about if I want to restrict it to a certain subtype. Something like this:
public enum WarriorSubClassRestrictions
{None, Barbarian, Knight, Paladin};
However, if I selected the Rogue type I wouldn't want the Warrior Enum to appear. Is there a way to do this in the Editor inside of my ScriptableObject class?
Hmm. The only way I can think of doing this is something along these lines:
public interface IClassRestriction<T> {
public T subclass { get; set; }
public class ClassRestrictionWarrior : IClassRestriction<WarriorSubClassRestrictions>{
public enum WarriorSubClassRestrictions {
None, Barbarian, Knight, Paladin
By declaring the subclass
property as a generic and defining that generic by the implementation, that should work.