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Removing new line from CSV file

I have a script that converts excel file into csv using unoconv. I noticed that some records in the csv is added as a new line due to particular format in excel. I was wondering if there is anyway this can be handled in unix.

sample problematic data.

col1, col2, col3
jim,"washington dc

correct data should be.

col1, col2, col3
jim,"washington dc",123


  • You may use this gnu sed:

    cat file

    col1, col2, col3
    jim,"washington dc
    foo, bar, baz
    123, abc, xyz

    And sed command:

    sed -E ':a;N;;s/(,"[^"]*)\n/\1/;$!ba' file

    col1, col2, col3
    jim,"washington dc","123"
    foo, bar, baz
    123, abc, xyz