Let's say I have this:
data PT1
data PT2
data DT1 a = DT1 { field :: Int }
newtype DT2 a = DT2 (DT1 a)
f :: Int -> DT2 a -> Int
f x (DT2 (DT1 PT1 field)) = 5 -- How do I specify the type param?
f x (DT2 (DT1 PT2 field)) = 7 -- How do I specify the type param?
The question is there in comments. The above doesn't compile. I want to pattern match differently based on the type parameter. How do I do so?
You can't pattern match on the type. What you can do is use a typeclass like this:
class Effable t where
f :: Int -> t -> Int
instance Effable (DT2 PT1) where
f x (DT2 _) = 5
instance Effable (DT2 PT2) where
f x (DT2 _) = 7