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Add TailwindCSS to Phoenix with Brunch

I'm having trouble figuring out how to add npm packages which are not specifically built to be used with brunch to my elixir/phoenix project.

One thing I don't want to do is manually copy files from node_modules/ to vendor/.

If anyone knows how to properly configure Brunch to use Tailwind in a Phoenix app, any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Include postcss-brunch and tailwindcss packages

    $ npm install postcss-brunch tailwindcss --save-dev

    Create Tailwind config file (in assets directory)

    $ ./node_modules/.bin/tailwindcss init

    Add Tailwind as postcss plugin (assets/brunch-config.js)

    // Configure your plugins
    plugins: {
        babel: {
            // Do not use ES6 compiler in vendor code
            ignore: [/vendor/]
        postcss: {
            processors: [

    Use Tailwind in css (assets/css/app.css)

    @tailwind preflight;
    @tailwind utilities;