I am trying to apply custom styles to a mat-icon element inside an Angular Material component, but no matter what I do, the styles won't take effect. Here's a simplified version of my code:
<mat-form-field appearance="fill" class="example-field">
<mat-label>Select an Option</mat-label>
<mat-select [formControl]="exampleControl" (selectionChange)="onOptionSelected($event.value)">
<mat-option *ngFor="let option of availableOptions" [value]="option">
<mat-icon [inline]="true">settings</mat-icon>
{{ "example.option." + option | lowercase | translate }}
:host {
::ng-deep {
mat-form-field {
mat-select {
mat-option {
mat-icon {
margin-right: 0;
The select dropdown get's attached to the root element and not inside the component. To overcome this you can use panelClass
to add a class to the dropdown root, and then style the inner contents.
<h4>Basic mat-select</h4>
<mat-label>Favorite Car</mat-label>
<mat-select [panelClass]="'custom-dropdown'">
@for (car of cars; track car) {
<mat-option [value]="car" [appTransform]="car">
<mat-icon [inline]="true">settings</mat-icon>
.custom-dropdown {
mat-option.mat-mdc-option {
mat-icon.mat-pseudo-checkbox-full {
margin-right: 0;
::ng-deep .custom-dropdown {
mat-option.mat-mdc-option {
mat-icon.mat-pseudo-checkbox-full {
margin-right: 0;