I am looking for a way to construct a single CSS rule using severals parameters with Sass.
Let's say I want to create a mixin transition
that takes targets as parameters to write one transition
CSS rule (other parameters like transition time, etc. are constant).
@mixin transition($targets...) {
@each $t in $targets {
// construct the rule target by target
// and then transition: $rule; or something similar
I want to call it like
.foo {
@include transition(color, width);
and get
.foo {
transition: color 100ms ease-out, width 100ms ease-out;
Problem is, I was not able to find a way to construct a string by concatenation. Is it even possible, or is there a different way to do this?
Here's one way:
@mixin transition($targets...) {
$items: "";
@each $item in $targets {
$i: index($targets, $item);
@if $i == length($targets) {
$items: $items + $item + " 100ms ease-out";
@else {
$items: $items + $item + " 100ms ease-out, ";
transition: unquote($items);
1) Set a variable to hold the string
$items: "";
2) In the $each loop iteration get the index:
$i: index($targets, $item);
3) Concatenate each item to the $items
variable. If it's the last item - then the string won't end with a comma - otherwise it will
@if $i == length($targets) {
$items: $items + $item + " 100ms ease-out";
@else {
$items: $items + $item + " 100ms ease-out, ";
4) Finally remove the quotes from the string with unquote
transition: unquote($items);
.foo {
@include transition(color, width);
Which produces compiled CSS:
.foo {
transition: color 100ms ease-out, width 100ms ease-out;