Is there a way to call a controller's function inside a component that's encapsulated inside a div, which is already run by this controller?
The component:
.component('taxiCard', {
templateUrl: '/templates/taxi.html',
bindings: {
taxi: '=' ,
cancelTaxi: '='
The controller's function that I want to use in the template:
$scope.cancelTaxi = (taxi, id) => {
taxi.available = true;
dataFactory.updateTaxi(id, taxi).then(function(response){
The component's templateUrl:
<md-card style="width: 300px;">
<md-button ng-show="$" ng-href="#!/taxies/rent/{{$}}">Najem</md-button> <!-- show if taxi.available -->
<md-button ng-hide="$" ng-click="$ctrl.cancelTaxi($, $" type="submit">Preklici</md-button><!-- show if !taxi.available, torej cancel ce je rentan atm-->
<img ng-src="{{$}}" class="md-card-image" alt="$" style="height:250px">
<span class="md-headline">{{$}}</span>
Leto izdelave: {{$}} <br>
Max potnikov: {{$}} <br>
Max hitrost: {{$}} <br>
<md-card-actions layout="row" layout-align="end center">
<md-button ng-href="#!/taxies/details/{{$}}">Podrobnosti</md-button>
Where I'm using the component:
<div class="md-padding" layout="row" ng-init="getTaxies()" layout-wrap>
<div ng-repeat="taxi in taxies">
<a href="#!" ng-click="removeTaxi(taxi._id)">Delete</a>
<taxi-card taxi="taxi"
To clarify; cancelTaxi is a function that's part of the TaxiesController, which is already run on the html site, where i use the . All the attributes in the templateUrl are displaying properly, but I don't know how to get the function to cancel the taxi on clicking the button working.
Oh yes, I did a console.log in the function and it doesn't even register it...
Thank you for your time and input!
This is because the component's scope is isolated. You can do two things:
Convert your TaxiesController
to a component, and require
it in taxiCard
.component('taxiCard', {
templateUrl: '/templates/taxi.html',
require: {
TaxiesController: '^TaxiesController' // ^ will look for all parents
controllerAs: 'taxiCard'
<div ng-click="taxiCard.TaxiesController.cancelTaxi(taxi, id)"></div>
Or place all your functions from TaxiesController
inside a service, and add it as a dependency to your taxiCard
.component('taxiCard', {
templateUrl: '/templates/taxi.html',
controllerAs: 'taxiCard',
controller: function(taxiesService) {
this.cancelTaxi = (taxi, id) => {
taxiesService.cancelTaxi(taxi, id);
<div ng-click="taxiCard.cancelTaxi(taxi, id)"></div>
Protip: Please use the controllerAs
syntax, and try to avoid $scope
where possible.