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cProfile has no method runcall

I'm trying to use cProfile to profile some python code. I believe I need to use cProfile.runcall(), not, since the method I want to run is of the form self.funct() rather than simply funct().

When I try to use cProfile.runcall, detailed here, I get the following error:

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'runcall'

Has the runcall method been removed from cProfile? If so, is there an alternate method to use of the form cProfile.runcall(self.funct,*args)?

Minimum (not) working example:

import cProfile

def funct(a):
    print a



  • In this case, the problem is because runcall() is a method of a Profile class instance, not a module-level function (which is how your code is trying to use it). You need to construct an instance of one first, as shown in code snippet in the documentation.

    This seems to work (in Python 2.7.14):

    import cProfile
    def funct(a):
        print a
    pr = cProfile.Profile()
    pr.runcall(funct, "Hello")