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Execute huge sql file

I'm trying to create a function which create a "huge" sql file (10 MB) with lots of INSERT queries.

Generating the file is done, now I'd like to execute the sql.

In PHP, I would do:

$connexion = new mysqli([...]);

if($connexion->multi_query(file_get_contents($filename)) === TRUE ){
    // ok ...

The SQL is in a variable $content so I tried:

$connection = $this->get('doctrine.dbal.default_connection');
$test = $connection->executeQuery($content);
                         //or prepare

and no errors are displayed but neither is any data in database and I can't use DQL.

Any ideas?


  • try

    $connection = $this->get('doctrine.dbal.default_connection');
    $test = $connection->exec();

    also check for errors and typo's in your SQL Syntax