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Read .dat file in C++ whose data is of type Class, then store each line in a vector of type Class

Let's say I have a .dat file called numbers.dat which consists of a list of integers like so:


and so on.

Then to read from this .dat file and place each number in a vector of type int, I know what to do:

std::ifstream file("numbers.dat");
int x;
std::vector<int> integers;
while(file >> x)

Now if I want to output each integer I just need to loop over the vector, doing a cout each time.

But in my case, I have a .dat file called food.dat with multiple data types on each line separated by tab characters, for example

Eggs    Eg    1    1.2
Spam    Spm   2    1.5

and so on.

I have created a class called Food, with the fields name, symbol, number, and cost, which are of type string, string, int, and double respectively. Now, if I try the same as before, but with the appropriate changes:

std::ifstream file("food.dat");
Food f;     // the constructor for Food handles default values
std::vector<Food> vec;
while(file >> f)

I get the compiler error:

error: invalid operands to binary expression('std::ifstream' (aka 'basic_ifstream<char') and Food)
while (file >> f)

So I tried something else, this time I am just trying to read the first line in the file to check that it works.

std::ifstream file("food.dat");
Food f;
file >> f;

But this gives the same compiler error as before. I have found that the code snippet file >> f is the part that the compiler complains about in both cases.

How can I avoid this error and make the code compile? My intention is to output each element of the vector (I have already correctly overloaded the << operator to handle this for variables of type Food).

Should I overload the "get from" operator, >> for variables of type Food in order to make the code compile?


  • How can I avoid this error and make the code compile?

    You need to define a function

    std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Food& f) { ... }



    std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, Food& f)
       return in >> >> f.symbol >> f.number >> f.coset;