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Relation of Microservices and DDD CQRS and ES

For the last couple of weeks I've been starting and trying to understand DDD CQRS, ES and Microservices. I think I've understood them individually but not as a single unit so this is why I have some misunderstandings that I hope to clarify.

So first what is the relation between Microservices and DDD, can you do one without the other? And secondly, does Bounded Contexts translate in the end into a microservice ?


  • No relationship between Microservices and DDD... And yes you can definitely do one without the other. Bounded context is domain level and microservice it's an implementation/infrastructure/architecture whatsoever, they can be related if you want to...

    Domain Driven Design is a set of tactical and strategical design principles introduced by Eric Evans in 2003... to tackle complexity in software

    Microservices is an architecture for designing an app as suites of independently deployable services

    CQRS and Event Sourcing are a way to implement a Domain Driven Design (could be seen as building block in DDD), but they could be used outside DDD like the other building blocks.