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Using Clean Architecture, am I allowed to Switch Context in Domain Layer ( Use Case )/Or Allowed to use Coroutine Specfic Libraries

I am trying to build an Android app using DDD/Clean Architecture. Below are three of my understandings for context:

  1. The Domain Layer/UseCase should contain only pure business logic. It should not use any platform-specific libraries and should be written in pure Kotlin.

  2. Suspending functions, such as those that fetch data from a database or make network API calls, should be thread-safe so they can be called from the main thread (as libraries like Retrofit do). Therefore, if I launch a coroutine in viewModelScope from ViewModel, it is not considered good practice to switch contexts (to IO/Main Dispatcher) within the ViewModel.

  3. Not only functions that fetch data from the database or network run in a background thread, but expensive operations such as business logic or data processing should also run on a worker thread to keep the main thread unblocked.

Now, my problem is as follows:

In my Domain Layer, I have a UseCase that involves performing expensive business logic (e.g., processing a large list of data received from the database). This business logic might not necessarily call any suspending functions, but it is still cpu-intensive.

As I understand it, I should run this logic in a worker thread (Dispatchers.Default).

How should I achieve this?

I can simply make my UseCase a suspend function, but that alone does not ensure the UseCase is safe to run on the main thread.

Along with making my UseCase a suspend function, I can switch the context to worker threads using withContext(Dispatchers.Default).

These are coroutine-specific functions.

Am I allowed to use this in my Domain layer, which is supposed to be platform-independent?

If I am allowed, as I understand Kotlin Coroutines are a feature of the Kotlin language and can run outside Android,

does switching context within the UseCase adhere to Clean Architecture principles?


  • Yes it is allowed in Clean Architecture, coroutines are part of Kotlin features, not Android specific Kotlin feature, therefore switching contexts is allowed.