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SPARQL: Specify datatype in INSERT query

Let's same I want to add via a SPARQL query these triples to my graph

<?xml version="1.0"?>


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http:/">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
    <my:someID rdf:datatype="">003</my:someID>
    <my:hasSource  rdf:resource="http:/" />


How am I supposed to specify the data type of the third triple?

PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX my: <>

              <http:/> rdf:type <>;
                                                 my:hasSource  <http:/>;
                                                 my:someID "003"@xsd:string.



  • You're almost there. The @ is for language tags. Datatypes are appended by using the ^^ separator instead. So use "003"^^xsd:string.

    You will also need to add the namespace prefix to your update:

    PREFIX xsd: <>

    As an aside: in RDF 1.1, xsd:string is the default datatype for any literal that does not have an explicitly defined datatype nor a language tag. So "003" and "003"^^xsd:string are both the same, string-typed, literal.