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How to boot an NTFS Partition in Archlinux

I just did a dual boot Win10/arch, i'm currently meeting an issue where I successfully auto-mount a NTFS partition but only on Read-Only and I need to "write" permission on it, I followed this method in order to boot at the start.

Can someone help me please?

Thanks in advance


  • Did you disable fast boot in Windows? If you didn't, don't worry. I made this script. If fast boot isn't disabled, it will delete a file used to make windows boot faster. For some reason you must run first ntfsfix before being able to mount your partition.

    sudo ls >/dev/null
    if sudo -n true 2>/dev/null; then 
        echo -e "\033[0;36mGot temporary sudo session. This script won't work if the volume is already mounted.\n \033[0m" 
        fdisk -l | grep -C0 'basic data'
        echo -e "\n"
    echo -e -n "Enter windows partition identifier (format: \033[0;36msdX#\033[0m): "
    read disk
    sudo ntfsfix /dev/$disk >/dev/null
    sudo mkdir /kek
    sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/$disk /kek
    sudo umount /kek
    sudo rmdir /kek
    sudo -k
    echo "Temporary sudo session killed."
        echo "Pls try again"