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expect, interact and then again expect

There are several posts regarding the same, but i still not able to make my expect script work properly. My intention is to automate everything but leave the password enter for the user. So there are 3 parts of the script:

  1. automated login
  2. give the user interaction to enter the password
  3. give control back to Expect script to continue work

So i have script which will be spawned and which have 3 read commands. First and last should be filled by Expect and second one i would like to enter my self:

read user?User:
echo "Expect entered the username $user"
read pass?Password:
echo "User entered the password $pass"
read command?"Shell>"
echo "Expect entered the command $command"

My expect script:

spawn ./some_script
expect User
send I-am-expect\r
expect Password
expect Shell
send I-am-expect-again

Unfortunately after i have entered the password the script does not continue and left in the interact mode:

[root@localhost ~]# ./my-expect
spawn ./some_script
Expect entered the username I-am-expect
Password:i am user
User entered the password i am user

And finally when i entering something on the "Shell" and pressing [ENTER] expect exits with the error:

Expect entered the command
expect: spawn id exp4 not open
    while executing
"expect Shell"
    (file "./my-expect" line 7)
[root@localhost ~]#

I appriciate any explanation or resolution of this issue. I am using expect version 5.45


  • You can read (expect_user) the user's password by yourself and then send it to the spawn'ed program. For example:

    [STEP 101] # cat foo.exp
    proc expect_prompt {} \
        global spawn_id
        expect -re {bash-[.0-9]+(#|\$)}
    spawn ssh -t bash --noprofile --norc
    expect "password: "
    stty -echo
    expect_user -timeout 3600 -re "(.*)\[\r\n]"
    stty echo
    send "$expect_out(1,string)\r"
    send "exit\r"
    expect eof
    [STEP 102] # expect foo.exp
    spawn ssh -t bash --noprofile --norc
    root@'s password:
    bash-4.3# exit
    Connection to closed.
    [STEP 103] #