I'm building a playbook for my Raspberry Pi 4 and I have a podman
container that needs to access the printer (in /dev/bus/usb/XXX/YYY
) device.
I have a task that does the job, but it uses the shell
module, which is not recommended:
- name: "ScannerJS - Detect printer's USB bus"
- name: "ScannerJS - Detect printer's USB bus"
ansible.builtin.shell: |
set -e -o pipefail
lsusb | grep Epson | awk '{print "/dev/bus/usb/"$2"/"substr($4, 1, length($4)-1)}'
executable: /bin/bash
register: scUSBBus
failed_when: scUSBBus.stdout | regex_search("^\/dev\/bus\/usb\/(\\d{3})\/(\\d{3})$") is none
- name: "ScannerJS - assert the device path exists"
path: "{{ scUSBBus.stdout }}"
register: scUSBBusStat
failed_when: scUSBBusStat.stat.exists is not true
Is there a cleaner way to obtain the bus/usb for my printer ?
I tried searching in the facts, but there is nothing about USB devices and I can't find any module related to USB devices.
For anyone reading this later on, there is since community.general
v8.5.0 from 2024, a facts module to collect information about USB devices.
You can use it like this:
- name: Get information about USB devices
- name: Print information about USB devices
msg: "On bus {{ item.bus }} device {{ item.device }} with id {{ item.id }} is {{ item.name }}"
loop: "{{ ansible_facts.usb_devices }}"
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