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Firebird Switch from "Similar to" to "Like"

I have created a domain using the "Similar to" function under firebird 2.5, but now I have to downgrade my database to Firebird 2.1, and it seems impossible beacause of that function. I want to find the way to express my domain with the "Like" function so that it runs in Firebird 2.1. Here is my domain code :

 AS varchar(16)
 CHECK (char_length(value)=16
 value SIMILAR TO 
  '[G]{1}[C,M,E]{1} [1-6]{1} [E]{1}[P,S,L]{1} 
  [A-E]{1} [0-9]{1}[0-9]{1} [0-9]{1}[0-9]{1}[0-9]{1}'
  and substring(value from 14 for 3)>'000')


  • You could try to "translate" it term by term, ie

    • the first one is [G]{1} which means that value must start with G so this becomes value STARTING WITH 'G'
    • [C,M,E]{1} - second character must be either C, M or E which is (value like '_C%')or(value like '_M%')or(value like '_E%')
    • [1-6]{1} - fourth character must be number between 1 and 6, including. So SUBSTRING(value FROM 4 FOR 1) BETWEEN '1' AND '6'

    and so on. And then combine them into one:

    CHECK ( char_length(value)=16
       and value STARTING WITH 'G'
       and( (value like '_C%')or(value like '_M%')or(value like '_E%') )
       and SUBSTRING(value FROM 4 FOR 1) BETWEEN '1' AND '6'

    As your string is fixed length and spaces in it are in fixed position you can check for them in single term like so

    value like '__ _ __ _ __ ___'

    ie all non-space positions are marked with _ and space positions contain space character.

    Alternatively you could use some UDF which implements similar to like operation.