I want to get a combined output from two select statements.
First select returns the object of a certain index. Second select returns the closest Object.
declare @h geometry select @h = Geom from obj where ObjectIndex = 15054
select ObjectIndex, Geom.STDistance(@h) from obj where ObjectIndex = 15054
union all
select top( 1) ObjectIndex, Geom.STDistance(@h) from obj WITH(index(idx_Spatial)) where Geom.STDistance(@h) < 0.0004
and ObjectLayerName = 'Up_Layer' order by Geom.STDistance(@h)
Unfortunately, the second statement returns the wrong object. I expected the closest object, but it returns the second closest instance. However, when I only perform the second select statement it returns the right object.
select top( 1) ObjectIndex, Geom.STDistance(@h) from obj WITH(index(idx_Spatial)) where Geom.STDistance(@h) < 0.0004
and ObjectLayerName = 'Up_Layer' order by Geom.STDistance(@h)
Thanks for help.
Order by
will be applied after the UNION
, try something like this
SELECT @h = Geom
FROM obj
WHERE ObjectIndex = 15054
SELECT ObjectIndex,
Geom.Stdistance(@h) dist
FROM obj
WHERE ObjectIndex = 15054
SELECT ObjectIndex,
FROM (SELECT TOP( 1) ObjectIndex,
Geom.Stdistance(@h) AS dist
FROM obj WITH(INDEX(idx_Spatial))
WHERE Geom.Stdistance(@h) < 0.0004
AND ObjectLayerName = 'Up_Layer'
ORDER BY Geom.Stdistance(@h)) a