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Is there a term for a "single mutex deadlock" (deadlock-type situation with non-recursive mutex)?

The following code hangs because of multiple calls to acquire a non-recursive mutex:

#include <pthread.h>

class Lock

  Lock( pthread_mutex_t& mutex )
    : mutex_( mutex )
    pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_ );

    pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_ );


  pthread_mutex_t& mutex_;

class Foo

    pthread_mutex_init( &mutex_, NULL );

    pthread_mutex_destroy( &mutex_ );

  void hang()
    Lock l( mutex_ );

  void subFunc()
    Lock l( mutex_ );


  pthread_mutex_t mutex_;

int main()
  Foo f;

Is there a word or phrase for this situation? I'm not sure, but I don't think this can properly be called a deadlock: I'm of the understanding that a deadlock proper refers to the stalemate resulting from impassably ordered acquisition of multiple shared resources.

I've been anecdotally calling this a "single mutex deadlock" but I'd like to learn if there is a more proper term/phrase for this.


  • The Wikipedia article on reentrant mutexes cites Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, which uses the term "self-deadlock." This term seems pretty reasonable to me!

    ...mutexes come in two basic flavors: recursive and non-recursive. A recursive mutex allows re-entrant locking, in which a thread that has already locked a mutex can lock it again and progress. Non-recursive mutexes, in contrast, cannot: a second lock in the same thread results in self-deadlock. Non-recursive mutexes can potentially be much faster to lock and unlock than recursive mutexes, but the risk of self-deadlock means that care must be taken when an object calls any methods on itself, either directly or via a callback, because double-locking will cause the thread to hang.

    (emphasis added)

    Various search results across a variety of technologies corroborate the use of this term.