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how to prevent telegram bot keyboard from scrolling

I am writing a telegram bot with telegraf. I have a keyboard like this:

      [L.__('Start Order'), L.__('Game')],
      [L.__('Promotions'), L.__('Search')],
      [L.__('Invite Friends'), L.__('Download Apps')],
      [L.__('My Scores'), L.__('My Orders')],
      [L.__('Ostadkar Telegram Channel'), L.__('FAQ')],
      [L.__('Work at Ostadkar'), L.__('About Ostadkar')],

But the number of commands on it are much more than the space it has and needs scrolling to view all of it. How can I fit this keyboard to screen without scrolling it?

Thanks for any help.


  • Unfortunately this isn't possible at this time and according to telegram bot guidelines and news, its not even in the to do list.