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Display an admin-only inline button in Telegraf.js

I have a telegram shop bot written in Telegraf.js.

  • When a normal user starts the bot I want the people to see only 4 buttons (products, cart, account and info)
  • When instead someone starts the bot and its id is in a config json file I want the bot to display another button "Admin Panel" or similar.

    I have this code:
const Config = require("./config");
client.start(async (Context) => {
    if (Config.bans.includes( return;

    var user = Config.users.find((usr => {
        return ===
    if (!user) Config.users.push({
        balance: 0,
        cart: []
    writeFileSync("config/index.json", JSON.stringify(Config));

    // Actual problem down here
    Context.reply("Welcome user", {
        parse_mode: 'HTML',
            Markup.button.callback("📚 Products", "products"),
            Markup.button.callback("🛒 Cart", "products"),
            Markup.button.callback("🪪 Account", "account"),
            Markup.button.callback("ℹ️ Info", "info"),
        // BUTTON

Where I wrote "BUTTON" I'd like to add a button that only shows if the user id is in the admin list, so I tried this way:

if (Config.administrators.includes( {
        Markup.button.callback("Admin Panel", "admin")

but I get that a comma is expected and can't accomplish my goal.


  • Resolved the problem in this way:

    let keyboard = {
        inline_keyboard: [
            [Markup.button.callback("📚 Prodotti", "products")],
            [Markup.button.callback("🪪 Account", "account"), Markup.button.callback("ℹ️ Info", "info")],
    if (user.admin)
        keyboard.inline_keyboard.push([Markup.button.callback("🛠️ Pannello Amministratori", "panel")])
    await Context.editMessageReplyMarkup(keyboard);

    edit: easier way