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Telegram login widget not showing up

Sorry I am a total newb. I deployed this site

  1. used this part of the code for the test
    <!-- Start of the added Telegram script -->
  <script async src="" data-telegram-login="Guardian200_bot" data-size="large" data-auth-url=""></script>
    <!-- End of the added Telegram script -->
  1. my bot is regstered and I specifiyed [] as a domain
  2. site is using https as required

Yet login widget is not showing up. Why it could be?

I redeployed it few times, checked various settings from there to no avail


  • It seems like you have put the <script> tag inside the <head>. Put it somewhere inside the <body>, so it can be displayed when the button component is created.

        <div class="content">
            <!-- your app -->
            <!-- the script tag provided by Telegram wherever you want the button to be --->