when my enemy ship moves towards the player i find the distance between them with
private float FindDistance(Vector2 heroCenter, Vector2 spritePos)
var deltaX = Math.Pow((spritePos.X - heroCenter.X), 2); // the 2 is the power value (into the power of 2)
var deltaY = Math.Pow((spritePos.Y - heroCenter.Y), 2);
float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(deltaX + deltaY);
return distance; // returns the distance between the two objects
then I calculate the enemy ship angle of rotation with this code
distanceFromHero = FindDistance(Constants.heroCenter, spritePos);
if (distanceFromHero < Constants.HeroWithinRange)
heroClose = true;
VelocityX *= .985f; // enemy reduces vel X
VelocityY *= .985f; // enemy reduces vel Y
//atan2 for angle
var radians = Math.Atan2((spritePos.Y - Constants.heroCenter.Y), (spritePos.X - Constants.heroCenter.X));
//radians into degrees
rotationAngle = (float)(radians * (180 / Math.PI));
heroClose = false;
but strangely the enemy though moving towards the player does not lock on and stay steady but does a pendulum like movement and when they at the same point the enemy ship rotate endlessly. Some help with code would help.
The perfect answer to my question i found in an XBox forum which couldn't loaded into Visual Studio 2017 so I made a new solution. Hope others can benefit from this excellent tutorial made by Microsoft. The Solution is here.