Search code examples

Count Unique Cell Values by Color in Excel VBA

I'm new to VBA.

Endstate - search through a range and count instances of unique cell values for a user specified filled color counting merged cells (I know, merging ruins everything) as one whole cell.

I've compiled the below code but it's not working quite right, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Function CountUniqueColorBlocks(SearchRange As Range, ColorRange As Range) As Long
Dim cell As Range, blocks As Range
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
Set dict = New Scripting.Dictionary
Set blocks = SearchRange(1).MergeArea(1) ' prime union method (which requires >1 value)
For Each cell In SearchRange
    If cell.Interior.Color = ColorRange.Interior.Color And Not dict.Exists(cell.Value) Then
        dict.Add cell.Value, 0
 End If
CountUniqueColorBlocks = dict.Count
End Function


  • And because I thought it was fun, here's a UDF I created that will ensure it only counts a merged cell once, will ignore blanks by default (doesn't have to), and will count all cells with the chosen color, but can only count unique values for those cells as an option. To use it so that it only counts unique values for the chosen color as you intend, the formula would be: =CountColor(A1:C4,A3,TRUE)


    • CheckRange: Required. This is the range of cells that will be looped through for color counting
    • ColorCompareCell: Required. This is a single cell (cannot be merged) that contains the color you would like counted.
    • UnqOnly: Optional. False (default) means all values will be counted, True means only unique values will be counted.
    • CaseSensitive: Optional. Only relevant when UnqOnly is set to True. False (default) means that unique values do not take case into consideration. For example, "ABC" and "abc" would be the same unique value and only counted once. True means that case is taken into account to determine uniqueness. For example, "ABC" and "abc" would be different unique values and each would be counted.
    • IgnoreBlanks: Optional. True (default) means that cells with blank values will not be counted even if they contain the chosen color. False means that cells with blank values will be counted anyway.

    Full UDF code:

    Public Function CountColor(ByVal CheckRange As Range, _
                               ByVal ColorCompareCell As Range, _
                               Optional ByVal UnqOnly As Boolean = False, _
                               Optional ByVal CaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
                               Optional ByVal IgnoreBlanks As Boolean = True) As Variant
        Dim UnqValues As Object
        Dim NewCell As Boolean
        Dim CheckCell As Range
        Dim MergedCells As Range
        Dim TotalCount As Long
        If ColorCompareCell.Cells.Count <> 1 Then
            CountColor = CVErr(xlErrRef)
            Exit Function
        End If
        If UnqOnly Then Set UnqValues = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        For Each CheckCell In CheckRange.Cells
            NewCell = False
            If CheckCell.MergeArea.Address <> CheckCell.Address Then
                If MergedCells Is Nothing Then
                    Set MergedCells = CheckCell.MergeArea
                    NewCell = True
                    If Intersect(CheckCell, MergedCells) Is Nothing Then
                        Set MergedCells = Union(MergedCells, CheckCell.MergeArea)
                        NewCell = True
                    End If
                End If
                NewCell = True
            End If
            If NewCell Then
                If CheckCell.Interior.Color = ColorCompareCell.Interior.Color Then
                    If UnqOnly Then
                        If CaseSensitive Then
                            If IgnoreBlanks Then
                                If Len(Trim(CheckCell.Value)) > 0 Then UnqValues(WorksheetFunction.Trim(CheckCell.Value)) = WorksheetFunction.Trim(CheckCell.Value)
                                UnqValues(WorksheetFunction.Trim(CheckCell.Value)) = WorksheetFunction.Trim(CheckCell.Value)
                            End If
                            If IgnoreBlanks Then
                                If Len(Trim(CheckCell.Value)) > 0 Then UnqValues(LCase(WorksheetFunction.Trim(CheckCell.Value))) = LCase(WorksheetFunction.Trim(CheckCell.Value))
                                UnqValues(LCase(WorksheetFunction.Trim(CheckCell.Value))) = LCase(WorksheetFunction.Trim(CheckCell.Value))
                            End If
                        End If
                        If IgnoreBlanks Then
                            If Len(Trim(CheckCell.Value)) > 0 Then TotalCount = TotalCount + 1
                            TotalCount = TotalCount + 1
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Next CheckCell
        If UnqOnly Then CountColor = UnqValues.Count Else CountColor = TotalCount
    End Function