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Mixin (PXTOEM) provides error in CSS output

I use Drupal FortyTwo theme. The theme provides a mixin named PXTOEM:

//  Calculate percentage with font-size as context
@function pxtoem($pixels...) {
  $result: '';

  @each $item in $pixels {
    $result: $result + ($item + 0) / $default-font-size + em + ' ';

  @return #{$result};

In my scss file I use it like:

.header-menus {
  padding: pxtoem(0, $grid-gutter-width);

But after compiling it doesn't get the proper output?

padding: 0/pxem 0.75/pxem; (see screenshot)[![Screenshot][2]][2]


  • Instead of + 0 you should add pixels: + 0px. And instead of + em use + 0em.
    Sassmeister demo.
    If you can not modify source code of the theme, create your own function.

    $default-font-size: 16px;
    //  PXTOEM
    //  Calculate percentage with font-size as context
    @function pxtoem($pixels...) {
      $result: '';
      @each $item in $pixels {
        $result: $result + ((($item + 0px) / $default-font-size) + 0em) + ' ';
      @return #{$result};
    .header-menus {
      padding: pxtoem(0, 30, 30px);

    Css output:

    .header-menus {
      padding: 0em 1.875em 1.875em ;