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How to copy output of a Select Query from a DataSet to a log file using PowerShell?

I am using the below code to select a value from table present in SQLServer, the code executes successfully and displays output on the Command Prompt of PowerShell which I have assigned to a variable, but when I try adding the output assigned to $MsgBody to the log file it copies System.Data.DataRow to the log file.

How can I add the output to the log file any help would be appreciated.

$scriptPath = $PSScriptRoot
$logFilePath = Join-Path $scriptPath "DemoResults.log"

# If log file exists, then clear its contents 
if (Test-Path $logFilePath) {
    Clear-Content -Path $logFilePath

# It displays the date and time of execution of powershell script in log file.
$log = "Date Of Testing: {0} " -f (Get-Date)
$logString = "Process Started." 
Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value $log -Force 
Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value $logString -Force
$SQLServer = "AP-PON-SRSTEP\MSSQLSERVER12" #use Server\Instance for named SQL instances! 
$SQLDBName = "SystemDB"

$SqlQuery2 = "Select * from SystemDB.dbo.Version_Solution WHERE Notes ='9.2.7'"
$sa = "srp"
$pass = "Stayout"

$connectionString = "Data Source=$SQLServer;Initial Catalog=$SQLDBName;User ID=$sa;Password=$pass";

$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString);
$command = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($SqlQuery2, $connection);
$SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
$SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $command
$DataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$MsgBody = $DataSet.Tables[0] 
#Displays output in Command shell

$MsgBody | Add-Content $logFilePath
Get-Content $logFilePath


Though I tried using this and it copies output to the file but deletes the other previous output from the log file.

$MsgBody > $logFilePath 

Edited part :- After using this >>

$MsgBody >> $logFilePath 

It copies the output to the logfile in this format horizontally,

S o l u t i o n             :   i n t e l l   C o m p o n e n t           :   S y s t e m D B  M a j o r                   :   9  M i n o r                   :  2 S e r v i c e P a c k       :   1  H o t f i x                 :   0  I n s t a l l e d D a t e   :   1 2 / 1 2 / 2 0 1 7   6 : 5 7 : 4 8   P M  N o t e s                   :   9 . 2 . 1  R o l l U p R e l e a s e   :   0

which looks ugly, I want it to be copied in this way vertically -

Solution      : intell
Component     : SystemDB
Major         : 9
Minor         : 2
ServicePack   : 1
Hotfix        : 0
InstalledDate : 12/12/2017 6:57:48 PM
Notes         : 9.2.1
RollUpRelease : 0


  • The answer to the above question, which i have found is this though it is little lengthy but it works fine for me.

    $scriptPath = $PSScriptRoot
    $logFilePath = Join-Path $scriptPath "DemoResults.log"
    # If log file exists, then clear its contents 
    if (Test-Path $logFilePath) {
        Clear-Content -Path $logFilePath
    # It displays the date and time of execution of powershell script in log file.
    $log = "Date Of Testing: {0} " -f (Get-Date)
    $logString = "Process Started." 
    Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value $log -Force 
    Add-Content -Path $logFilePath -Value $logString -Force
    $SQLServer = "AP-PON-SRSTEP\MSSQLSERVER12" #use Server\Instance for named SQL instances! 
    $SQLDBName = "SystemDB"
    $SqlQuery2 = "Select * from SystemDB.dbo.Version_Solution WHERE Notes ='9.2.1'"
    $sa = "srp"
    $pass = "Stayout"
    $connectionString = "Data Source=$SQLServer;Initial Catalog=$SQLDBName;User ID=$sa;Password=$pass";
    $connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection($connectionString);
    $command = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand($SqlQuery2, $connection);
    $SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
    $SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $command
    $DataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
    $MsgBody = $DataSet.Tables[0] 
    #Displays output in Command shell
    #Instead of this code, I have used the below code to copy output in Vertical Format in log file. 
    $MsgBody | Add-Content $logFilePath
    Get-Content $logFilePath
    #Code to copy the output of select statement to log file.
        $logString="Version_Solution Table in SystemDB"
        add-content -Path $logFilePath -Value $logString -Force
        add-content -Path $logFilePath -Value "`n" -Force
        $MsgBody = $MsgBody | Select-Object Solution, Component, Major, Minor ,ServicePack,Hotfix,InstalledDate,Notes,RollUpRelease
        add-content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "Solution: $Solution" -Force   
        add-content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "Component: $Component" -Force  
        add-content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "Major: $Major" -Force  
        add-content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "Minor: $Minor" -Force  
        add-content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "ServicePack: $ServicePack" -Force  
        add-content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "Hotfix: $Hotfix" -Force  
        add-content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "InstalledDate: $InstalledDate" -Force  
        add-content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "Notes: $Notes" -Force  
        add-content -Path $LogFilePath -Value "RollUpRelease: $RollUpRelease" -Force  
        add-content -Path $logFilePath -Value "`n" -Force