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How to get and store data from different source in SSIS package

I have a XML Source file from which i have to get the "File Name" and a table from which i have to get the file status. Once i get both the values, I need to save the two data in a table.




FileStatusID  -  Status
1             -  Created
2             -  Processed

There are no relationships between these two sources.

How can I store File_Name from XML source and FileStatusID from table to a table?

File Table:

FileID - FileName - FileStatusID
1      - Test     - 1
2      - Test2    - 1 

This is my Package

enter image description here


  • If you are looking to merge both data sources based on the order: First row of XML with first Row of OLEDB, you can just add a script component transformation after each data source.

    On each script component transformation, add an Output Column of type DT_I4 (integer) (let's assume that it's name is AutoNumCol)

    Write the following script to generate Autonumber, (i used VB.Net):

    Public Class ScriptMain
        Inherits UserComponent
        Private intID as integer = 0
        Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)
            intID += 1
            Row.AutoNumCol = intID
        End Sub
    End Class

    And use these two column in the Merge Join

    *Note make sure that you have marked the script output as IsSorted, and changed the AutoNumCol SortKeyPosition to 1:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here