Hi I am new to verilog and I try to set some particular bits from one reg variable to another reg but it didn't work for me. what am ı doing wrong?
reg [31:0] a;
reg [31:0] b;
initial begin
a =32'b0;
b =32'b1;
$display("current value of a = %32b ",a);
a ={b[5:0]};
$display("value of a %32b ",a);
#10 $finish;
bit of a from a[0] to a[5] should be 1 but only a[0] became 1
In you code b = 32'b1
yields {31{1'b0},1'b1}
, so only b[0]
is equal to one.
In SystemVerilog (check: IEEE1800-2012, 5.7.1 Integer literal constants) you can use automatic left padding of constant literal numbers using a single-bit value, i.e. b = '1
to set all bits of b
to one.
Using Verilog, simply assign another value to b
(i.e. b = 32'b11111
) or change your code to following:
a[4:0] = {5{b[0]}}