the following code prints all rows using scala anorm:
import anorm._
val query = s"select col_str, col_num from mytable"
val rowParser: RowParser[~[String, Int]] = SqlParser.str(1) ~
def f(row: (String, Int)) {
println(row._1 + "\t" + row._2)
val rows: List[(String, Int)] = SQL(query).as(rowParser.*).map(SqlParser.flatten)
however it needs to load all the data into memory. A solution to avoid loading all data is to use fold
, as follows:
SQL(query).fold(Unit, ColumnAliaser.empty) { (_, r: Row) =>
println(r[String](1) + "\t" + r[Int](2))
however, here I am not using the rowParser
and the flatten
. How can I modify the previous code in order to use the rowParser
and the flatten
, without loading everything into memory? something like this (note: this code does not work):
SQL(query).as(rowParser.*).map(SqlParser.flatten).fold(Unit, ColumnAliaser.empty) { (_, row: (String, Int)) =>
and, yet more difficult, have to make an implicit forEach2
function, so that I can run it as follows:
some previous code I've tried in that direction:
def foreach[T, A, B](sqlQuery: SqlQuery, rowParser: RowParser[~[A, B]], f: (~[A, B]) => T) {
val result: Either[List[Throwable], Unit.type] = sqlQuery.fold(Unit, ColumnAliaser.empty) { (_, row: Row) =>
rowParser(row) match {
case Success(r: ~[A, B]) =>
case Error(err) =>
throw AnormException(err.toString)
result.left.foreach { t: Seq[Throwable] =>
t.headOption.foreach { tt => throw tt}
def f(row: ~[String, Int]) {
println(row._1 + "\t" + row._2)
foreach(SQL(query), rowParser, f)
This works. However, I need to transform def f(row: (String, Int))
into def f(row: ~[String, String])
. How can I remove this ~
in my f
function? Also this foreach
function expects a row with two columns. how to generalise this to n columns?.
Is this improvement of your foreach
good enough? Or do you need something more?
object AnormForEachOps {
import anorm._
import java.sql.Connection
implicit class ForEachOps(val query: SqlQuery) extends AnyVal {
def foreach[T1, T2, R](rowParser: RowParser[~[T1, T2]], f: R => Unit)(implicit connection: Connection, fl: TupleFlattener[(T1 ~ T2) => R]): Unit = {
query.fold(Unit, ColumnAliaser.empty) { (_, r: Row) =>
rowParser(r).map(SqlParser.flatten) match {
case Success(t) =>
case Error(err) =>
throw AnormException(err.toString)
So your example would become something like this:
import AnormForEachOps._
val query = s"select col_str, col_num from mytable"
val rowParser = SqlParser.str(1) ~
SQL(query).foreach(rowParser, (r: (String, Int)) => { + "\t" + r._2)
The main trick in this modification is the implicit TupleFlattener
argument that does conversion from ~
to usual tuple (via SqlParser.flatten