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How to mock properly Illuminate\Http\Request class from Laravel

I'm trying to test a method from a class which contains a method using the request() helper from Laravel. This is the method:

Category class

public function getCanonicalUrl()
    return preg_match('/\/sale\/./', request()->getRequestUri())
         ? ''
         : url($this->getUrlKey());

The test should make this helper to catch properly the URI when doing getRequestUri() but it's actually returning an empty string. This is one of the thousand tries that I gave to the test.


public function testCanonical()
    // ...

    $requestMock = Mockery::mock(Request::class)

    $this->app->instance(Request::class, $requestMock);

    // ...

Any ideas of how this could be achieved? Thanks in advance.


  • You should not mock the Request facade. Instead, pass the input you desire into the HTTP helper methods such as get and post when running your test.