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Why does Go source contain many .go files? How do they get compiled?

i want know how go compiler work! this source Contains 88% .go file.

so this should be have another compiler to execute .go file.

Example :

Golang use what compiler for final Generate Execute file?! and where available they source?

may be Golang generate a c code and next use GCC or ...?

New Update

i not want go1.4 then in using c.

88% source of is .go file. what compile .go file at Go Source? i want see Final GO Compiler?

i think this called cg.

mean An old version of Go compiler (version 1.4) is used to compile newer version of Go compiler.???!

go-go1.4.3/src/go/token/token.go this is go token,lexer and is write at GO

FUNC: "func", GO: "go", GOTO: "goto", IF: "if", IMPORT: "import",

so where main compiler for execute .go file?


// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
package runtime
// Compiler is the name of the compiler toolchain that built the
// running binary.  Known toolchains are:
//  gc      The 5g/6g/8g compiler suite at
//  gccgo   The gccgo front end, part of the GCC compiler suite.
const Compiler = "gc"

go-go1.4.3/src/cmd/gc$ make

go tool dist install -v
make: go: Command not found
../../Make.dist:13: recipe for target 'install' failed
make: *** [install] Error 127

make gc why need Go?!

Last version of GO Language how work?! mean how this generate a output for cross platform? this use generate code to C and then use c compiler?


  • According to and , Go was originally implemented in C but became self-hosted at version 1.5. Bootstrapping is the process of compiling a compiler with itself. The Go developers wrote a C -> Go transpiler to convert the original C compiler to Go, then they hand-edited the Go code to make it idiomatic.