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Symfony : strtolower in FORM EVENT

With Symfony 3.3, I want to strtolower all emails form.

I use this extension :

class EmailTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
    public function getExtendedType()
        return EmailType::class;

    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) {

    public function onPostSubmit(FormEvent $event)
        $form = $event->getForm();
        $data = $event->getData();


But I have this error "You cannot change the data of a submitted form.". If I use "PRE_SUBMIT" or "SUBMIT" event, my data doesn't change :/

Can you help me ?


  • You can not modify your form using $form->setData() method.
    You have to modify the data of your FormEvent $event like this:

    public function onPostSubmit(FormEvent $event)
            $data = $event->getData();
            // e.g. manipulate submitted data only if it is not empty
            if ($data["email"]) {
                $data["email"] = strtolower($data["email"]);