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How to add custom property to Symfony Doctrine YAML mapping file

Can anyone tell me how to add custom property to doctrine ORM yml file?

My idea is to add a property like this:

        type: string
        localizable: true

Then I would like to get information about this localizable property by using

protected function getEntityMetadata($entity)
    $factory = new DisconnectedMetadataFactory($this->getContainer()->get('doctrine'));

    return $factory->getClassMetadata($entity)->getMetadata();

and then:

    $met    = $this->getEntityMetadata($bundle.'\\Entity\\'.$entity);
    $this->metadata = $met[0];
    $fields = $this->metadata->fieldMappings;

    if (isset($fields)) {

        foreach ($fields as $field => $fieldMapping) {
            if (isset($fieldMapping['localizable']) && $fieldMapping['localizable'] == true) {

                // Do sth with it


  • The way doctrine is written makes this awkward. It seems like you'd like to keep the Yaml mapping but just add a single property. I think you can create your own custom driver extending from the one provided. The Yaml driver has mostly private methods so overriding a little bit of the functionality is difficult, but it is possible.

    I created a custom driver that extends from the SimplifiedYamlDriver. The naming of the driver is important because doctrine extension will try to load one of their drivers based what comes before Driver. It also does a strpos check for Simplified in the name, so I think the safest bet is to keep the original name completely and give the original an alias.

    use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\SimplifiedYamlDriver as BaseDriver;
    class SimplifiedYamlDriver extends BaseDriver
        public function loadMetadataForClass($className, ClassMetadata $metadata)
            parent::loadMetadataForClass($className, $metadata);
            $element = $this->getElement($className);
            if (!isset($element['fields'])) {
            foreach ($element['fields'] as $name => $fieldMapping) {
                if (isset($fieldMapping['localizable'])) {
                    $original = $metadata->getFieldMapping($name);
                    $additional = ['localizable' => $fieldMapping['localizable']];
                    $newMapping = array_merge($original, $additional);
                    $metadata->fieldMappings[$newMapping['fieldName']] = $newMapping;

    Then I told Symfony to use this driver by overriding the class inside app/config/parameters.yml

        doctrine.orm.metadata.yml.class: MyBundle\SimplifiedYamlDriver

    Then I updated the mapping like in your example inside MyBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/Foo.orm.yml

        type: entity
                type: integer
                    strategy: IDENTITY
                type: string
                localizable: true

    And I can fetch this mapping wherever I have access to doctrine with:

    $mapping = $this

    Will give me:

        [fieldName] => text
        [type] => string
        [columnName] => text
        [localizable] => 1