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Symfony Controller return array

I am trying to create a listener that configures the Response using annotations and sets the response content as the controller return.

The Controller code:

use PmtVct\PhotoBookBundle\Annotations\ResponseType;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

* @ResponseType("JSON")
public function home(Request $request) {
    return ['asdf' => 123];

But I receive the 'The controller must return a response' error.

There is a way to return an array on Controller instead a Response?


  • You are trying to do a similar thing to FOSRestBundle. Maybe consider using this bundle? It will allow:

    • Return arrays in controller, exactly in a way you want
    • Serialise response into Json, or other format you wish, also it can detect format automatically from Request.

    In case you still want to build such listener yourself - look how it's done in FOSRestBundle - - they are using "kernel.view" event.