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Symfony redirect all routes ending with on url

Over my Symfony project let us suppose we have the following route:

$route= new Route('/my-method',array(

$route= new Route('/my-method2',array(

$route= new Route('/anotherStuff',array(

$route= new Route('/anotherStuff/{param}',array(

$route= new Route('/anotherStuff/{param}/{another_param}',array(

And I want when a url ends with / eg. http// to redirect into http//

So I was thinking if I can use regex as first parameter on route or to configure thew Symfony's routing system showhow in order to perform, the redirect.

But can Symfony accept a regex or somehow an optional part on url that it casn be ingored? eg to use '/my-method2/?' in order to tell that the route may end with / and just ignore theese stuff.


  • You want to redirect all url ending by a trailing slash to the same URL withouth right ?

    You'll have to create a route that match .*/$ then in the controller remove this "/".

    And there is a article that give the code on the symfony doc :