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Active Collab send Email after User create

I'am using the Active Collab API V5 to create User from our Service Desk - the creation of the User with the following POST works.

curl -k -v -h "Content-Type:application/json" -h "X-Angie-AuthApiToken:XXXXXXX" -X POST -d '{"type": "Member","email": "XXXXXXXX@XXXXXX", "password": "XXXXX"}' https://URL/api/v1/users

Is it possible to send the invite link automatically? Like the User creation on the web interface (Send invite link from People page).

I found this API Reference but on this way its only possible to invite directly to projects.


  • System makes a distinction between account creation, and invitiation (which includes account creation, but does a bit more). Here's how to invite one user or more users:

    curl -h "Content-Type:application/json" \
         -h "X-Angie-AuthApiToken:XXXXXXX" \
         -X POST -d '{"role": "Member","email_addresses": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"], "custom_permissions": ["can_manage_projects", "can_manage_finances"]}' \


    • API end-point is different (/api/v1/users/invite),
    • Use role instead of type,
    • A list of more than one email address can be specified,
    • Custom permissions can be set,
    • You can't specify user's password. They will receive invitation email, and complete the process themselves.