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Want data added to the Query via Left Outer Joint to NOT repeat

I have a database structure (ER diagram below) that has three level of hierarchical data and the fourth level of optional data. enter image description here

If I write a query to get de-normalized data of three levels - level 1 to level 3 with sample data across three tables shown as below:

enter image description here

When queried, this layout of the data is very straight forward and as expected as below:

enter image description here

Upon running the below query, I get the following output (And I have tried various combinations by clubbing the set of L1 to L4 and moving one L4 out as a another query and then joining the set L1 - L4 etc.) - again this is on the expected lines.

SELECT        [Group].GroupId, [Group].GroupName, Category.CategoryId, Category.CategoryName, RLI.RLIId, RLI.RLIText, Comment.CommentId, Comment.CommentText, ManagementResponse.ManagementResponseId, 
FROM            Category INNER JOIN
                         [Group] ON Category.GroupId = [Group].GroupId INNER JOIN
                         RLI ON Category.CategoryId = RLI.CategoryId LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         ManagementResponse ON RLI.RLIId = ManagementResponse.RLIId LEFT OUTER JOIN
                         Comment ON RLI.RLIId = Comment.RLIId

enter image description here

However, I need data in the following format - and this is what I am unable to figure out how to get (I don't want the level 4 data to repeat as I add additional level 4 data via left outer joins): enter image description here


  • This query will give you the final output: enter image description here

    WITH CommentAndResponse AS (
    SELECT Comment.CommentId,
        COALESCE(Comment.RLIId, ManagementResponse.RLIId) AS RLIId
     FROM (
        (SELECT Comment.CommentId, 
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Comment.RLIId ORDER BY Comment.CommentId) AS CommentRowNumber
        FROM Comment) AS Comment
        FULL JOIN
        (SELECT  ManagementResponse.ManagementResponseId, 
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ManagementResponse.RLIId ORDER BY ManagementResponse.ManagementResponseId) AS ManagementResponseRowNumber   
        FROM ManagementResponse) AS ManagementResponse
        ON Comment.CommentRowNumber = ManagementResponse.ManagementResponseRowNumber AND Comment.RLIId = ManagementResponse.RLIId ) 
    SELECT          [Group].GroupId, [Group].GroupName, Category.CategoryId, Category.CategoryName, RLI.RLIId, RLI.RLIText, CommentAndResponse.CommentId, CommentAndResponse.CommentText, CommentAndResponse.ManagementResponseId, CommentAndResponse.ManagementResponseTest
    FROM            [Category]
    INNER JOIN      [Group] ON Category.GroupId = [Group].GroupId 
    INNER JOIN      [RLI] ON Category.CategoryId = RLI.CategoryId 
    LEFT OUTER JOIN [CommentAndResponse] ON RLI.RLIId = CommentAndResponse.RLIId