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VBScript to shutdown Windows when a process ends?

I have a program that scans through data at the end of the night on some occasions. On those occasions, I would like to run a VBScript that will watch for that program to close, and when it does, will shut down Windows.

I created a .BAT file that runs the program and then shuts Windows down, but I don't always need to shutdown when I finish using the program.

So I would like to use the scanning program, and if, at the end of the night, I am ready to leave, but the program is still scanning, I would to open the VBScript that will watch for my scanning program to close.

Is this possible?

Windows 7 Ultimate
x64 UAC = ON


  • Well, I figured out how to do this via this post at

    Dim isRunning, wasRunningAtStart, strComputer, strShutdown, objWMIService 
    Dim objcolProcesses, objShell, strProcesses, strProcessName
    'boolean condition for the loop
    isRunning = True
    wasRunningAtStart = True
    '-----Specify the computer name on which to watch a process:
    strComputer = "." '>>> "." for this computer
    '-----Specify the process to watch.  Must be enclosed in Single Quotes:
    strProcessName = "'processname.exe'" '>>> Example: "'notepad.exe'"
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & _
        "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
        strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    strProcesses = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = "
    strShutdown = "shutdown -s -t 0 -f -m \\" & strComputer
    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    'Check the process once, no need to run if the process
    'isn't already running
    'Query WMI for the running processes matching our process name
    Set objColProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery ( _
        strProcesses & strProcessName)
    'If the process is running, the count will be greater than 0,
    'so we switch our boolean here to exit the loop.
    If objcolProcesses.Count = 0 Then
        wasRunningAtStart = False
        isRunning = False
    End If 
    Set objColProcesses = Nothing   
    Do While isRunning
        'Wait 2 seconds, prevents this script from using the CPU
        WScript.Sleep 2000
        'Query WMI for the running processes matching our process name
        Set objColProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery ( _
            strProcesses & strProcessName)
        'If the process is running, the count will be greater than 0,
        'so we switch our boolean here to exit the loop.
        If objColProcesses.Count = 0 Then
            isRunning = False
        End If
    If wasRunningAtStart Then
        'MsgBox "Would shutdown here"
        objShell.Run strShutdown
        MsgBox "The specified program is not already running."
    End If
    Set objColProcesses = Nothing
    Set objShell = Nothing
    Set objWMIService = Nothing