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How do I get a local NT Service SID using Powershell?

I found this snippet on SO:

Get User SID From Logon ID (Windows XP and Up)

Function GetSIDfromAcctName()
$myacct = Get-WmiObject Win32_UserAccount -filter "Name = '$env:USERNAME " 
write-host Name: $
Write-Host SID : $myacct.sid

But it doesn't show everything.

For example, I just want the sid of "nt service\dhcp." How can I get that? When I run my powershell manually with

Get-WmiObject Win32_UserAccont

I get all the users, but there's only three "regular" users. None of the "special" nt service users.

Thanks for help.


  • If you want to know the name of the account under which a service is started you can use:

    Get-WMIObject -Class 'Win32_Service' -Filter "name='dhcp'" | % {return $_.startname}

    The result is "NT Authority\LocalService", which is a well known SID. As discribed in SID Values For Default Windows NT Installations, you'll find more SIDs in Well-known security identifiers in Windows operating systems.


    As you can see in the following screen shot, yes the DHCP client is running in a session started as "NT Authority\LocalService":
