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Debugging after computer rename

I renamed my computer in Control Panel, then restarted it to complete changes. When I tried to debug my ASP.NET application - I've got popup with message: 'Unable to start debugging on the web server. The debugger cannot connect to the remote computer. THe debugger was unable to resolve the specified computer name'

Project set up to use local IIS, and, everything was good before computer renaming. How to solve this problem?


  • I'm not sure the problem because of renaming.

    But Have you tried by renaming back to the old Name of your computer? Did that worked?

    You can configure your project in IIS once again.

    Before doing that remove the Current Configuration of your project from IIS. And Create New Config for project.


    Create virtual Directory with some other name.

    Try the above things, it should work. If everything was good before computer renaming.

    Reset Your IIS and Restart Visual studio. Try restart your computer if you renamed.

    Read this Official Article completely. - Error: Unable to Start Debugging on the Web Server.