I have this SQL Server 2008 UDT:
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[IdentityType] AS TABLE(
[Id] [int] NOT NULL
Pretty simple. Basically allows me to hold onto a list of id's.
I have this stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Scoring_ScoreMultipleLocations]
@LocationIds [IdentityType] READONLY,
@DoRanking BIT = 0
-- irrelevant code.
Entity Framework 4.0 does not support executing stored procedures that take user defined table types as a parameter, so i'm reverting to classic ADO.NET. The only other option is passing a comma-seperated string.
Anyway, i found this article, but it's a little hard to follow.
I don't understand what this line of code is doing:
DataTable dt = preparedatatable();
They don't even provide that method, so i have no idea what i'm supposed to do here.
This is my method signature:
internal static void ScoreLocations(List<int> locationIds, bool doRanking)
// how do i create DataTable??
So i have a list of int
and need to pump that into the UDT.
Can anyone help me out/point me to a clear article on how to achieve this?
This article might be a bit more help.
Essentially, you'll create a new DataTable that matches the schema, then pass it as a parameter.
The code of preparedatatable() probably would look something like:
var dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(int));
return dt;
After which, you'd have to add your locationIds:
foreach(var id in locationIds)
var row = dt.NewRow();
row["Id"] = id;
Then assign dt as a parameter:
var param = cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LocationIDs", dt);
param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
param.TypeName = "dbo.IdentityType";