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How do I merge in SPARQL?

I have two tables that I have to merge and I'm not too sure how to go about doing so.

Both tables keep a list of teachers and their teaching subjects. Each has a predicate along the lines of school:teaches and college:instructs, which mean the same thing. My task is to merge the schools together but as far as I am familiar with SPARQL I don't know how to do so?

So far I have

SELECT ?teacher
?teacher school:teaches|college:instructs :courses


  • There is not enough information about your data, but assuming :teaches and :instructs are only used to link teachers with courses, you'll need:

    SELECT ?teacher
       WHERE {
       ?teacher school:teaches|college:instructs ?courses .

    Assuming :courses is the class of courses, and all objects of the triples you want to belong to that class, then you'll need to add this patters as well:

    SELECT ?teacher
       WHERE {
       ?teacher school:teaches|college:instructs ?courses .
       ?courses a :courses .