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How to fix error – "No Visible @interface for ARCamera"?

I'm trying to build a project that I downloaded from git and I got some errors in the Xcode beta 9. I noticed that there are some things that are deprecated like ARWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration so I changed them and they were fixed. But I get an error that I can't fix, this is the part from the code:

matrix_float4x4 projectionMatrix = [ projectionMatrixWithViewportSize: nativeSize
                                    orientation:[[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation]

I could not fix this and I don't know what to do. the error for that is this:

No visible @interface for 'ARCamera' declares the selector 'projectionMatrixWithViewportSize:orientation:zNear:zFar

Hope you can help me with this issue?

Thank you.


  • First of all you should update your XCode from beta to a stable version.

    As for

    No visible @interface for 'ARCamera' declares the selector 'projectionMatrixWithViewportSize:orientation:zNear:zFar

    Here is official Apple documentation about ARCamera class which shows that there is no method projectionMatrixWithViewportSize:orientation:zNear:zFar and it's most possibly was changed to projectionMatrixForOrientation:viewportSize:zNear:zFar:. Signatures of this two methods requires the same parameters, so it won't be problem to replace the old method with a new one.