I'm having an issue extracting the first node from a specific element of XML within Oracle.
This is the XML:
<data type="TestData" version="1">
<MasterTable Name="TestMaster"/>
<Table Name="TestTable1">Test</Table>
<Table Name="TestTable2"/>
<Table Name="TestTable3"/>
<Table Name="TestTable4"/>
<Table Name="TestTable5"/>
<Table Name="TestTable6"/>
<Table Name="TestTable7"/>
<Table Name="TestTable8"/>
<Table Name="TestTable9"/>
<Table Name="TestTable10"/>
<Table Name="TestTable11"/>
<Table Name="TestTable12"/>
<Table Name="TestTable13"/>
<Table Name="TestTable14"/>
<Fact Name="TestFact1"/>
I am trying to extract the value of the first Name element "TestTable1" and the text for the first Name element "Test".
I have the following queries which are just returning null:
select a.xml.extract('//Name[1]') from my_table a; --Attempting to return "TestTable1" from Name attribute 1
select a.xml.extract('//Name[1]/text()') from my_table a; --Attempting to return the text "Test" from Name attribute 1
with test as( select xmltype('<data type="TestData" version="1">
<MasterTable Name="TestMaster"/>
<Table OtherName="TestTable1">OtherTable</Table>
<Table Name="TestTable1">Test</Table>
<Table Name="TestTable2"/>
<Table Name="TestTable3"/>
<Table Name="TestTable4"/>
<Table Name="TestTable5"/>
<Table Name="TestTable6"/>
<Table Name="TestTable7"/>
<Table Name="TestTable8"/>
<Table Name="TestTable9"/>
<Table Name="TestTable10"/>
<Table Name="TestTable11"/>
<Table Name="TestTable12"/>
<Table Name="TestTable13"/>
<Table Name="TestTable14"/>
<Fact Name="TestFact1"/>
</data>') x from dual)
select t.x.extract('//Table[@Name][1]'),t.x.extract('//Table[1]'), t.x.extract('//Table[@Name][1]/text()'),t.x.extract('//Table[1]/text()'),t.x.extract('//Table[./text()][1]') from test t;
returns first 'Table'; with attribute Name
returns first 'Table';
return first non-empty table element;