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SPARQL How to get year as integer from xsd:date

I have a SPARQL query which choose people who has year of birth 1990. How could I get only year from xsd:date format? I can see how to get year from xsd:dateTime using year() but it doesn't work on xsd:date.

PREFIX dbr: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
SELECT ?birthYear
{dbr:Ilse_DeLange dbo:birthDate ?birth
 #how to get year only as a integer?}


  • According to the specs, year() works on xsd:dateTime literals only.

    Depending on the triple store, you might try to convert to xsd:dateTime first:

    PREFIX dbr: <>
    PREFIX dbo: <>
    SELECT DISTINCT (year(xsd:dateTime(?birthDate)) as ?birthYear) WHERE {
      dbr:Ilse_DeLange dbo:birthDate ?birthDate