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Old school tv edge-warping effect?

I am trying to achieve an old school tv effect. But I'm having trouble finding a good way to warp the edges of the screen, an effect you can see in this example.


I'm not asking anything about getting a glitchy, or static effect. Just the warping around the edges of the screen. I know this is definitely not possible with just plain css. Would this be possible in webGL or html5 Canvas?


  • Distortion effects can be achieved in a fragment shader, by displacing the texture coordinates. Strips or noise can be achieved by lighten or darken texels. You simple have to draw a rectangle over the entire viewport and to draw the source texture to rectangle, with the applied distortion effects.

    A border distortion can be achieved by scaling the normalized device coordinates of the viewport. The scalind has to be increased in the corners of the viewport. After teh distortin the coordinates have be transformed to texture coordiantes (uv = ndc * 0.5 + 0.5):

    vec2 ndc_pos = vertPos;
    vec2 testVec = ndc_pos.xy / max(abs(ndc_pos.x), abs(ndc_pos.y));
    float len = max(1.0,length( testVec ));
    ndc_pos *= mix(1.0, mix(1.0,len,max(abs(ndc_pos.x), abs(ndc_pos.y))), u_distortion);
    vec2 texCoord = vec2(ndc_pos.s, -ndc_pos.t) * 0.5 + 0.5;

    Stripes can be achieved by lighten or darken the texels, according to the v (t) component of the texture coordinate:

    float stripTile = texCoord.t * mix(10.0, 100.0, u_stripe);
    float stripFac = 1.0 + 0.25 * u_stripe * (step(0.5, stripTile-float(int(stripTile))) - 0.5);

    For an RGB displacement, the red, green and blue channels have to read from separated texels. For this for the separate channels have to be used slightly shifted texture coordinates:

    float texR = texture2D( u_texture, ).r;
    float texG = texture2D( u_texture, ).g;
    float texB = texture2D( u_texture, ).b;

    Original texture:
    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Note, it should be easy to play around with the code and to apply your own effects or to fit them to your requirement.
    See The WebGL example for the full fragment shader source code:

    var canvas;
    var gl;
    var prog;
    var bufObj = {};
    var textureObj;
    var maskTextureObj;
    var ShProg = {};
    function  render(delteMS){
        var vp = [canvas.width, canvas.height];
        var distortion = document.getElementById( "distortion" ).value / 100.0;
        var rgbShift = document.getElementById( "rgbshift" ).value / 1000.0;
        var stripes = document.getElementById( "stripes" ).value / 100.0;
        gl.viewport( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );
        gl.enable( gl.DEPTH_TEST );
        gl.clearColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
        gl.clear( gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT );
        var texUnit = 0;
        gl.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0 + texUnit );
        gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, textureObj );
        ShProg.Use( progDraw );
        ShProg.SetI1( progDraw, "u_texture", texUnit );
        ShProg.SetF1( progDraw, "u_distortion", distortion );
        ShProg.SetF1( progDraw, "u_stripe", stripes );
        ShProg.SetF1( progDraw, "u_rgbshift", rgbShift );
        VertexBuffer.Draw( bufRect );
    function resize() {
        vp_size = [window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight];
        //vp_size = [256, 256]
        canvas.width = vp_size[0];
        canvas.height = vp_size[1];
    function init() {
        canvas = document.getElementById( "retro-canvas");
        gl = canvas.getContext( "experimental-webgl" );
        //gl = canvas.getContext( "webgl2" );
        if ( !gl )
        var texCX = 128;
        var texCY = 128;
        var texPlan = [];
        for (ix = 0; ix < texCX; ++ix) {
            for (iy = 0; iy < texCY; ++iy) {
                var val_x = Math.sin( Math.PI * 6.0 * ix / texCX )
                var val_y = Math.sin( Math.PI * 6.0 * iy / texCY )
                texPlan.push( 128 + 127 * val_x, 63, 128 + 127 * val_y, 255 );
        textureObj = Texture.LoadTexture2D( "" );
        progDraw = ShProg.Create( 
        [ { source : "draw-shader-vs", stage : gl.VERTEX_SHADER },
            { source : "draw-shader-fs", stage : gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER }
        ] );
        progDraw.inPos = gl.getAttribLocation( progDraw.progObj, "inPos" );
        if ( progDraw.progObj == 0 )
        bufRect = VertexBuffer.Create(
        [ { data :  [ -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1 ], attrSize : 2, attrLoc : progDraw.inPos } ],
        [ 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3 ] );
        window.onresize = resize;
    var ShProg = {
    Create: function (shaderList) {
        var shaderObjs = [];
        for (var i_sh = 0; i_sh < shaderList.length; ++i_sh) {
            var shderObj = this.Compile(shaderList[i_sh].source, shaderList[i_sh].stage);
            if (shderObj) shaderObjs.push(shderObj);
        var prog = {}
        prog.progObj = this.Link(shaderObjs)
        if (prog.progObj) {
            prog.attrInx = {};
            var noOfAttributes = gl.getProgramParameter(prog.progObj, gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES);
            for (var i_n = 0; i_n < noOfAttributes; ++i_n) {
                var name = gl.getActiveAttrib(prog.progObj, i_n).name;
                prog.attrInx[name] = gl.getAttribLocation(prog.progObj, name);
            prog.uniLoc = {};
            var noOfUniforms = gl.getProgramParameter(prog.progObj, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS);
            for (var i_n = 0; i_n < noOfUniforms; ++i_n) {
                var name = gl.getActiveUniform(prog.progObj, i_n).name;
                prog.uniLoc[name] = gl.getUniformLocation(prog.progObj, name);
        return prog;
    AttrI: function (prog, name) { return prog.attrInx[name]; },
    UniformL: function (prog, name) { return prog.uniLoc[name]; },
    Use: function (prog) { gl.useProgram(prog.progObj); },
    SetI1: function (prog, name, val) { if (prog.uniLoc[name]) gl.uniform1i(prog.uniLoc[name], val); },
    SetF1: function (prog, name, val) { if (prog.uniLoc[name]) gl.uniform1f(prog.uniLoc[name], val); },
    SetF2: function (prog, name, arr) { if (prog.uniLoc[name]) gl.uniform2fv(prog.uniLoc[name], arr); },
    SetF3: function (prog, name, arr) { if (prog.uniLoc[name]) gl.uniform3fv(prog.uniLoc[name], arr); },
    SetF4: function (prog, name, arr) { if (prog.uniLoc[name]) gl.uniform4fv(prog.uniLoc[name], arr); },
    SetM33: function (prog, name, mat) { if (prog.uniLoc[name]) gl.uniformMatrix3fv(prog.uniLoc[name], false, mat); },
    SetM44: function (prog, name, mat) { if (prog.uniLoc[name]) gl.uniformMatrix4fv(prog.uniLoc[name], false, mat); },
    Compile: function (source, shaderStage) {
        var shaderScript = document.getElementById(source);
        if (shaderScript)
            source = shaderScript.text;
        var shaderObj = gl.createShader(shaderStage);
        gl.shaderSource(shaderObj, source);
        var status = gl.getShaderParameter(shaderObj, gl.COMPILE_STATUS);
        if (!status) alert(gl.getShaderInfoLog(shaderObj));
        return status ? shaderObj : null;
    Link: function (shaderObjs) {
        var prog = gl.createProgram();
        for (var i_sh = 0; i_sh < shaderObjs.length; ++i_sh)
            gl.attachShader(prog, shaderObjs[i_sh]);
        status = gl.getProgramParameter(prog, gl.LINK_STATUS);
        if ( !status ) alert(gl.getProgramInfoLog(prog));
        return status ? prog : null;
    } };
    var VertexBuffer = {
    Create: function(attribs, indices, type) {
        var buffer = { buf: [], attr: [], inx: gl.createBuffer(), inxLen: indices.length, primitive_type: type ? type : gl.TRIANGLES };
        for (var i=0; i<attribs.length; ++i) {
            buffer.attr.push({ size : attribs[i].attrSize, loc : attribs[i].attrLoc, no_of: attribs[i].data.length/attribs[i].attrSize });
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer.buf[i]);
            gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array( attribs[i].data ), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
        gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
        if ( buffer.inxLen > 0 ) {
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer.inx);
            gl.bufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint16Array( indices ), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, null);
        return buffer;
    Draw: function(bufObj) {
        for (var i=0; i<bufObj.buf.length; ++i) {
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, bufObj.buf[i]);
            gl.vertexAttribPointer(bufObj.attr[i].loc, bufObj.attr[i].size, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
            gl.enableVertexAttribArray( bufObj.attr[i].loc);
        if ( bufObj.inxLen > 0 ) {
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, bufObj.inx);
            gl.drawElements(bufObj.primitive_type, bufObj.inxLen, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
            gl.bindBuffer( gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, null );
            gl.drawArrays(bufObj.primitive_type, 0, bufObj.attr[0].no_of );
        for (var i=0; i<bufObj.buf.length; ++i)
        gl.bindBuffer( gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null );
    } };
    var Texture = {};
    Texture.HandleLoadedTexture2D = function( image, texture, flipY ) {
        gl.activeTexture( gl.TEXTURE0 );
        gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture );
        gl.pixelStorei( gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, flipY != undefined && flipY == true );
        gl.texImage2D( gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image );
        gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST );
        gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST );
        gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
        gl.texParameteri( gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
        gl.bindTexture( gl.TEXTURE_2D, null );
        return texture;
    Texture.LoadTexture2D = function( name ) {
        var texture = gl.createTexture();
        texture.image = new Image();
        texture.image.setAttribute('crossorigin', 'anonymous');
        texture.image.onload = function () {
            Texture.HandleLoadedTexture2D( texture.image, texture, false )
        texture.image.src = name;
        return texture;
    html,body { margin: 0; overflow: hidden; }
    #gui { position : absolute; top : 0; left : 0; }  
    <script id="draw-shader-vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
        precision mediump float;
        attribute vec2 inPos;
        varying   vec2 vertPos;
        void main()
            vertPos     = inPos;
            gl_Position = vec4( inPos, 0.0, 1.0 );
    <script id="draw-shader-fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">
        precision mediump float;
        varying vec2      vertPos;
        uniform sampler2D u_texture;
        uniform float     u_distortion;
        uniform float     u_stripe;
        uniform float     u_rgbshift;
        void main()
            // distortion
            vec2 ndc_pos = vertPos;
            vec2 testVec = ndc_pos.xy / max(abs(ndc_pos.x), abs(ndc_pos.y));
            float len = max(1.0,length( testVec ));
            ndc_pos *= mix(1.0, mix(1.0,len,max(abs(ndc_pos.x), abs(ndc_pos.y))), u_distortion);
            vec2 texCoord = vec2(ndc_pos.s, -ndc_pos.t) * 0.5 + 0.5;
            // stripes
            float stripTile = texCoord.t * mix(10.0, 100.0, u_stripe);
            float stripFac = 1.0 + 0.25 * u_stripe * (step(0.5, stripTile-float(int(stripTile))) - 0.5);
            // rgb shift
            float texR = texture2D( u_texture, ).r;
            float texG = texture2D( u_texture, ).g;
            float texB = texture2D( u_texture, ).b;
            float clip = step(0.0, texCoord.s) * step(texCoord.s, 1.0) * step(0.0, texCoord.t) * step(texCoord.t, 1.0); 
            gl_FragColor  = vec4( vec3(texR, texG, texB) * stripFac * clip, 1.0 );
    <form id="gui" name="inputs">
            <tr> <td> <font color= #FF8000>distortion</font> </td>
                <td> <input type="range" id="distortion" min="0" max="100" value="10"/> 
            </td> </tr>
            <tr> <td> <font color= #FF8000>stripes</font> </td>
                <td> <input type="range" id="stripes"  min="0" max="100" value="70"/> 
            </td> </tr>
            <tr> <td> <font color= #FF8000>RGB shift</font> </td>
                <td> <input type="range" id="rgbshift" min="0" max="100" value="10"/> 
            </td> </tr>
    <canvas id="retro-canvas" style="border: none;"></canvas>