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Symfony 3 - Firewall Listener Performance at Login

Replied to my own question and posted it here for reference to others.


My application is really fast out of the box, running:

  • Symfony 3 with Doctrine2
  • PHP 5.6.* with CGI/FastCGI as a PHP handler (not even php 7)
  • mySQL 5.6.*

Then, it is optimised further with:

  • Zend OpCache to get faster PHP execution through opcode caching and optimization
  • Memcached to store user sessions in memcached
  • Memcached to act as a metadata cache driver and a query cache driver for doctrine 2

The bottleneck

However, one route is very slow and that is the fos_user_security_check route when I authenticate via the login form.

Debug Profile Symfony3 It shows Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\EventListener\FirewallListener as the culprit - though I am not sure why that is because this route lights up quickly on my local machine but doesn't on my production machine.

Things that I have tried

  • [x] To use Memcached to cache PHP sessions -> no difference
  • [x] To use Memcached to cache Doctrine stuff -> no difference
  • [x] To run mysql with skip-name-resolve -> no difference

Related posts I have seen


  • Two words!! "Encryption Algorithm".

    There is a compromise between 'speed' and 'security'.

    See Using the pbkdf2 Encoder Security and Speed.

    An example to show how 2 different encryption may affect speed.

    Configuration A:

    # Login in 3.5s in my case
            # . Use `bcrypt` algorithm
            algorithm: bcrypt
            cost: 13

    Configuration B:

    # Login in 400ms in my case
        # . Use `pdkdf2` algorithm
        algorithm:            pbkdf2
        hash_algorithm:       sha512
        encode_as_base64:     true
        iterations:           1000
        key_length:           40

    Note, you will have to recreate your user in your database to test different encryption mechanisms.

    This explains:

    ... this route lights up quickly on my local machine but doesn't on my production machine. 
    • My local machine has a Intel Core i7-7820HQ @ 2.90GHz
    • My production machine has a Intel Xeon E5-2620 v2 @ 2.10GHz

    enter image description here