When I use the chunk_split()
function, it ruins my accented characters and special characters. How can I correct this problem?
Here is my PHP code.
if(count($text) > 0) {
$text = implode(' ', $text);
echo chunk_split($text, 8, '<br />');
Ruined accent characters.
mp; Post
er ÀÁ�
chunk_split isn't multibyte safe and there isn't a native mb_chunk_split.
Here is a function to do that from a commenter in the php docs:
//from Peter from dezzignz.com 05-Apr-2010 11:30 @ php.net
function mbStringToArray ($str) {
if (empty($str)) return false;
$len = mb_strlen($str);
$array = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$array[] = mb_substr($str, $i, 1);
return $array;
function mb_chunk_split($str, $len, $glue) {
if (empty($str)) return false;
$array = mbStringToArray ($str);
$n = 0;
$new = '';
foreach ($array as $char) {
if ($n < $len) $new .= $char;
elseif ($n == $len) {
$new .= $glue . $char;
$n = 0;
return $new;